Thursday, July 27, 2006

Chapter 72
You’re Just a Mental Hiccup

Sometimes when you have a fight with a 7 year old all you want to do is go to your home and relax, or maybe go to your room and cry yourself to sleep because you never thought you could hate a child so much. I’m talking about Spam, big surprise since she is the only 7 year old (aside from the students at school) that I deal with on a regular basis. I can only console myself with the fact that she is not actually a 7 year old, she more of a 7 year old going on 14, a 14 year old with S.P.M.S. She’s always got to have the last word, she’s always got to be right, things always have to be done her way, and for some reason she always has a fight to pick with me. Tonight she proclaimed that I am not the boss of her and she will do exactly the opposite of what I tell her to do. Of course she only directly told me that I wasn’t the boss of her, the part where she will do the opposite of what I say was said to Burrito, loudly. That’s when I called out to my mom and told her I was leaving (an hour before I usually do). I feel bad because my mom has told me how she doesn’t want to begrudge the kids because sometimes she feels like her kids don’t feel comfortable in her house because of Spam and Burrito. Burrito and I are cool Spam and I on the other hand have never really been cool with each other, maybe before she was old enough to talk. I couldn’t stay there though, I couldn’t be in the same house as her because Spam never shuts-up…as her nickname provides. I knew that if I was still in the house then she would constantly be trying to make her opinion heard and I didn’t feel like putting up with that tonight, Sundays are my days to relax and I just don’t get to if she is there. When I said goodbye to my mom I went to say goodbye to my dad and Burrito was calling out goodbye to me. I said goodbye to him and then Spam said it and I ignored her and Burrito kept trying to tell me she was saying goodbye to me. I told him I wasn’t talking to her because she is a spoiled brat. Miss Gotta have the Last Word was still talking when I walked out the door.
So when I get home there are a bunch of people at my house, big surprise there, why would I think that I could actually come home and relax? Man, I’m so stupid. So I came to my room and changed and locked my door and tried to relax. But my roommate came to get me to play a game. I leave my hermit hole to go play this game she’s talking about but it never happens…ever, we never played it. Kind of upset me, but by the end of the night I was over it. I hung out with some people downstairs waiting for the game and this kid who I’ve never even seen before comes into the room and does the Peter Pan stance! His feet are spread shoulder width apart and his hands are on his hip, he’s even got this little purse thing hanging by his hip (like Peter’s knife), so I whisper, “Peter Pan.” And that is how I will always remember him. So later he comes down the stairs and the moment I see him I say, “It’s Peter Pan” my friend was sitting next to me and started laughing, even though she didn’t know why I was calling him that, but I suppose it’s one of those things that can be funny on it’s own. Later, after he left, I was telling her why and this guy sitting next to me was cracking up. I guess maybe that I am a little weird; I do have a lot of theories about things and come on, I just called a complete stranger Peter Pan with a purse.

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