Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chapter 63
Miss Manners

Adults are rude. Now children are rude too, but they probably haven’t been told that what they are doing truly is rude, and even then it takes a while for them to realize that what they are doing is rude. Adults however have had years of experience. Today I was unfortunate enough to get stuck on express and between bouts of boredom and suicide attempts I had to deal with all the adult children coming in to buy groceries. I had one customer who was using the debit machine. Before she was done the next customer gets really close to her, looking at the debit machine like a small child would look at a game that some other kid was already playing; impatiently waiting for their turn. I had to wonder to myself if this lady realized how rude she was coming across as. Then you always and I mean always have the customers who “speak their mind” as if I really give a damn. We’ve had a chapter on how I feel about self pity and we all know that I am incapable of feeling sorry for people. I had one lady complain because the people in the deli weren’t working fast enough, of course she didn’t say it this way. She said that she must have been waiting for half and hour at the deli for her order, I gave a look of surprise to show that I may have an ounce of concern (which I didn’t). Then she said, “Well, they were working the whole time, but I guess they just can’t keep up like they used to.” “Oh,” I said, “Well that’s not good is it?” For a split second I thought maybe I should apologize to her that the people in the deli who have to stand on their feet for 8 hours a day (and it really is 8 hours a day since we work 8 and half hour days so that we can have our half hour break but still get 8 hours of pay) and who have to deal with snobby people constantly expecting them to drop everything to cut them some damn meat and these people probably want it shredded which will actually add about 5 to 8 minutes to fulfill your order because that takes so long, and the people who go home with blisters on their feet and hands, carpel tunnel, sore muscles, and cuts and scraps all over could not go as fast as they used to. My initial thought to that was that maybe usually they do go fast enough to help everyone in a timely manner, but did it ever cross this lady’s mind that maybe, just maybe we were busy!? It’s inconceivable I know, I mean, why would a grocery store ever get busy? I could tell the lady wasn’t happy that I didn’t baby her, that I didn’t call a manager over or something to alleviate the unjust way she had been treated. She was lucky that she got what she got from me, and that no one was rude to her in the deli. Those people, they have a lot of patience to not snap at these brats. Why should I call a manager over to hear someone complain about something stupid? Besides, we were so busy that one manager was on a register and the other one was constantly taking orders out. These people are the biggest group of spoiled, selfish, brats I have ever met and I can’t believe that they have so much time and free space in their brains to worry about making sure their stupid complaints are heard. Don’t they have anything more important to worry about then if their tomatoes ring up the right price or if they get their deli meat in less than 5 minutes? It’s almost sad when you think about it.
Meanwhile, I’m not so sure if Puppy Love got the message. I mean, everything pointed to him getting the message, and yet, he keeps hugging me and today he tried to put his arm around me and I bent down and let his arm slide over my head and told him he was too short to do that. Then as I was leaving he asked what I was doing tomorrow. I said that I was working all day long. At the school from 7:45 to about 12:30 and then at the store from 3-8. He said that he got off work at 12:30 and we could hang out for three hours. I don’t want to hang out with him. Luckily I diverted the whole situation. I was like, “Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell Jaq (I used his real name in real life) that I switched schedules with the Warrior, I need to go find him.” And off I went avoiding having to answer anything.
Another thing about Puppy Love has been bothering me. First off, let me interject here and say that I realized that I have been “nice” while writing. I haven’t really said what I’ve thought, and the point is to be honest, but part of me just still feels wrong about thinking/saying certain things. I’m over it for the time being and will write openly. So with my new found freedom I will first say that Gus-Gus walks like a raptor, don’t know what I mean? Go watch Jurassic Park. Now, on to Puppy Love. He doesn’t know when to stop, and when I say this I don’t mean his pursuance of me, which does fall into that category of not knowing when to stop but, what I am talking about is when he is joking around. We happened to have break together both times tonight…how exciting for me…not really. A friend of mine was also up there and we were joking around and Puppy Love would join in, but he wouldn’t follow the line of conversation. He got stuck on certain things and just kept talking! It was annoying! So much so that on both breaks I ended up standing up and going into the bathroom, one room that Puppy Love can’t follow me into.

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