Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 19
Why Am I Awake?

So I woke up at 6:30 AM today and thought, “Crazy, go back to bed!” So I did. But in that time that I was asleep I had the weirdest dream! I dreamed that my roommates and I all went to Aqua-phobic’s house to “hang out”. Turned out (in my dream, not in real life) that she had an older brother. He was cute and really funny. We started to play a game, where someone asks a question and you answer it and then people try to guess who gave what answer. So the first question was about him and I wrote this really funny answer because I didn’t really know him so I had to make stuff up anyway, which is what I do. It was something about how when he was a child he didn’t receive enough Vitamin C and the doctors said the damage was irreversible. I gave the paper to his mom, because she was the one who asked the question. She read my answer and started to crack up. I told her that I had to leave though. So then I walk (not a very far distance) to our apartment and since all the roommates were at Aqua-phobic’s house I was surprised to hear voices coming from my apartment. I walked in and there were four of aqua-phobic’s relatives sitting in our living room, making themselves at home. One of the relatives was a little baby. They tell me that Aqua-phobic says that they can stay there for the week! I’m thinking, “Heck no, not the guy, not the baby, not the two women!” So I was just kind of stunned and was like, “uh, whatever” and went to my bedroom where I found a piece of cardboard from one of the boxes I put my movies in. I pick it up and it’s super moist, baby spit moist, and I go into the living room and ask the baby’s mother if it is possible that baby caused this damage. She said of course not! Baby has been with her the whole time, it must have been a wild dog. For some reason I accept this excuse and go back into my room to find the rest of the damaged box. When I find it the whole box is baby spit moist, there are like 10 movies missing from it! So I get a little upset. A wild dog wouldn’t just rip open a box and then stick 10 movies in a pocket! So I start looking around on the floor, if it was a dog some of the movies would just be on the floor. Nothing. I find a stack of movies on a dresser, but there are still five movies missing. I confront the aqua-phobics. By this time they are getting ready to watch a movie. I forget about my missing movies when there is a knock at the door. I open it and it is aqua-phobic’s brother (the cute, funny one). He came over to walk me to class, which is really nice, but I didn’t realize I had a night class. So we start walking and we’re talking and he asks if I preferred to be called ‘Jessica’ or ‘Jess’. I thought about it for a second and told him ‘Jess’. He looked at me and said, “I really like that.” Then it occurs to me, I have no idea what his name is and I try to think of a way to get it out of him without him really noticing, like saying, “And what do you prefer to be called?” but I chicken out, worried that I would look to suspicious and he might make me try to guess his name, and we kept walking. We get to this building and I see my response to his mother’s question on the door. I look around and all the responses are posted up. He starts laughing as he reads them. It turns out that we are at his work, at some artsy place and it is right next to where my class is so I tell him I’ll see him later and walk the extra five steps to the door. I think about dropping by after my class to see if he is ready to go home but then my alarm clock went off and the lawn care guy is outside cutting down a tree or something so I couldn’t fall back asleep.
It was time for me to get up anyway and I sit up to see that someone is in the bathroom. Shower is going to have to wait. So I go use the other bathroom and as I am washing my hands the Antagonizer comes out of her room. I grab my contact solution and head for my room. “What are you doing up?” she asks me from the bathroom (I guess going into my room wasn’t a sign to her that I did not want to talk). I told her “Because I am not the lazy bum that you think I am.” Okay, so her question was innocent and my answer was bitchy, but I just woke up, from a dream where a guy was actually showing interest in me…walking me to class and all, and I had to wake up and she is not the first person I want to see. Actually, none of my roommates are the first person I want to see in the morning. So I go out into the kitchen to make myself some peanut butter toast because I am out of cereal and my bread is nasty as butter toast. She follows me into the kitchen talking to me as though I care. Talking about some dance she has to do and talking about how the food we ate last night made her sick because it’s been over two weeks since she’s had “that kind of food” and “plus the mountain dew was really sugary.” What the? I don’t care! I even wrote that in my peanut butter with the knife. “I don’t care”. So when she took a breath I took the opportunity to say, “I’m going to go to my room and wake up.” She laughed and said she could tell I wasn’t really awake yet…I shrugged my shoulders. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
I was just outside and what do you know? The lawn guy was cutting a tree this morning. Crazy how that works out sometimes.

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