Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 17
It’s a Miracle!

It has been reported that the aqua-phobic cleaned up her mess! Granted she only really did it half way because her plate was still on the table. But she actually baked something and cleaned the stuff she used. I’m not the eyewitness, but sources say it was done. I’m inclined to believe my source, because she has no reason to protect the aqua-phobic. I kept thinking to myself…what does it matter? I have two more weeks living with these insanely nasty people. Oh, speaking of not liking my roommates, I have cookies hidden in the freezer for when I am allowing myself to eat sugar again. I’m hiding them because there is something about these girls where I really don’t want to share with them. The Antagonizer (the cookie cutter roommate) made a comment about it tonight, about how I don’t share my popcorn with any of them. I told her because I don’t care about them; they aren’t my family, why should I share. I wasn’t even joking and I’m not sure if she thought I was (so many people always assume I am joking). If I had said all the things running through my mind at the time she would have probably picked up on my contempt for her; such things as, “Buy your own popcorn hooker!” Maybe it wasn’t the exact thought running through my head, but I’m trying to control the turrets monster within me.
She just always says things that provoke me. I can’t claim innocence here. I know half of it has to be me, but sometimes I wish that she would just shut-up. Maybe we are forced to spend too much time together and therefore a large amount of hostility has been created and burns within me like hot lava, only kept at bay for so long, but if it’s not cooling it will overflow and burn her! Which right now, I would like nothing more.
It could be that somehow she talked me into caravanning with her across the country. How do people do this? They are so sneaky. One minute you’re just having a normal conversation, the next she is going to be tailing me all the way to Michigan State and she order maps! Just go to Wal-Mart and buy a $5 atlas…beats all the maps you’ll carry around of every state. She just bugs me. I don’t even have the energy to figure out what it is or why I even feel this way. And with two weeks left, I’m not even bothering trying to fix it. I just need to set myself on ignore mode and cruise through the next two weeks not worrying about these trivial people within my life, because honestly, in two weeks I never plan to see or talk to any of them again, if I do it will be because they just can’t let go. I’m just cool like that, when really I’m a be-aych.

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