Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 3
My Time Has Come

So the waiting list wasn’t as long as I thought it was going to be. I really did have myself ready for a long hull. But today I received the phone call, listened to the voicemail (because who picks up for a number they don’t recognize or says “unknown”) and I hesitated about calling back. Is there really any reason to go? What would I even talk about? Will they think I am stupid for going in? But even with all of that I decided that I made it as far as to get on the waitlist, and waiting the entire 24 hours it took to get off the waiting list and into an actual appointment, so I should call back and do it. I did and the very nice receptionist told me that they had an opening for Tuesday at 4pm. Now I just have to wonder, how do you begin to tell a complete stranger how you are feeling and how it is negatively affecting you? I have trouble telling my friends about it, even my close friends, and I certainly haven’t mentioned it to anyone at home, especially my family. So who is this, this, therapist that I’m suppose to be chummy with all of a sudden? I hope he has good people skills, because once I get comfortable I’ll tell you everything, my dead cat, my mom missing my 4th grade play and how that really affected me, my anxiety of going home or anywhere really, my first boyfriend who was way too short for me, my distrust of certain people. Pretty much anything, but what I need to tell this guy will be stuff that I am going through right now and that’s hard for me to do. I have the dentist feeling again and it’s leaving me wondering when the last time I flossed was.

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