Friday, July 14, 2006

Intermission: A Blurb on Pretend Boyfriends
My friend is in a similar situation as I am, meaning that she also has a pretend boyfriend. I feel that I should write what she said because she says it best and its how I feel, “I get some sick satisfaction out of ignoring his phone calls.” She went on to say something to the effect of when he doesn’t call her she gets upset too. Boys can’t win with us girls, I know this, and I’m not going to pretend that girls are perfect, because we are far from it. In reality we are sick, sadistic, conniving individuals. Which is why when we feel that we have been attacked, your phone call will receive a push of the ignore button, and if you don’t call back soon enough we begin to wonder if you knew we were hitting ignore and now it’s ‘game on’. We don’t want to hate you, we want to love you and we want you to love us, so stop pretending that we think alike and understand each other, because that will probably never happen. So stop screwing up.

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