Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chapter 65
Red Dye 40

Today was considerably long, but I didn’t think it was all too bad…even taking into account all that happened. I worked in the bakery yet again. I got there at 10 and by 11 I had to wear an apron to hide the pink blemish on my pants that I had gained, bright pink. I was cutting cakes in half and there happens to be a cake with bright pink icing, it’s called the watermelon cake. I had already cut it in half and was trying to get the first half to a new container when it slipped/flipped/jumped towards my pants. I think my initial reaction was to try to save it by pushing my body towards it to stop it from hitting the ground. This is what I would do with any other object I would usually be dealing with at work; it’s not really a good idea when it is an object not in a container. Therefore the cake was on my pants. At this point I stopped worrying about salvaging the cake and threw it on the counter; it had made me mad now! Not really. I started to laugh which I figure is a pretty good reaction to something like this. I tried to clean it up but I think it just spread further. So I walked over to the kitchen with my hands over my pants and asked for an apron. They knew something was up so I had to show them.
Jaq came back a couple of times to “check up” I guess. I don’t know what he was really doing, probably avoiding work as usual. When he left the last time he squeezed my arm, right at the fatty part. He does that a lot and it really bugs me! I just want to tell him to stop squeezing my fat!
Puppy Love came over too; he really pisses me off with what a stalker he is. I was working and I had a pretty good visual of everything around me, had a wall behind me and somehow he got into my blind spot. It was just plain creepy. The first time he came up I was labeling stuff and he says, “What no hug?” Like I’ve ever actually gone over to him without some prompt and given him a hug. I told him I was working and he wouldn’t be getting a hug. He crossed the line into the bakery and came over and gave me a hug which I did not return. Then later he asked if I would take his shift on Tuesday night and I told him I couldn’t because I already grabbed someone’s shift that day. He asked what time and I’m not even sure, I just worry about it when it is that week. I told him it was probably closing and he said, “Oh I’ll keep my shift then because I’ll have someone to talk to.” I should have grabbed a knife and slit my wrist right then because just the thought of Tuesday night is already too painful for me to live through. I’m going to have to quit the job just to get away from him aren’t I? Or I could have him taken care of. Luckily when I was leaving he was going on break and I don’t even think he saw me leave, I slipped out the door.
I got to see the Warrior today though! I got my one wish for the week and that was to be able to tell him that he was the #1 cashier. He thought I was teasing him but finally believed me. He went upstairs to check it out just to make sure. He told me later that Jaq kind of burst his bubble and told him it wouldn’t last. That pissed me off, way to boost morale asshole. Oh and to add to that, the comment he made to me yesterday about no longer being his favorite cashier, and he told Poof Daddy today that he didn’t even make the top 5. When Poof was telling me about it he mentioned that Jaq talking to him like that didn’t really help him want to work harder. I think all three of us agree and I think I should mention to my favorite manager that Jaq is stifling our competition. The three of us have helped each other do better and we did it without Jaq’s help, in fact we probably did better when he wasn’t in the same vicinity as us.
I saw Baby Face too, today is the first day that he can drive without an adult in the car! I was way excited for him, I don’t really remember what that was like, but I’m sure I was excited when I was able to do that too…actually I was probably scared. And the Inspector was there this morning. The only bummer of it all was that I was in bakery and they were all up front-end (except the Warrior who had just come in for his check). It’s okay though, the way the others were scheduled, I wouldn’t have gotten to work with any one of them for very long.
As I left work today, I placed my purse just so, and tried to walk casually and coolly while holding it in place. Of course, I did show it off to a couple of people today. It was pretty cool, it was a new experience. I went to my parents home and soaked the heck out of the pink blob and I’m happy to report that you can barely see any pink in those pants…thank goodness because if they hadn’t I would have had to go back to the store and buy another pair and that’s twenty-some bucks and frankly I don’t get paid enough to look good at work. Besides the only way you see the pink is if you’re looking hard at it and considering where it is…I would have to wonder why someone would be looking at my thighs so intently, and I may have to call the cops.

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