Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 16
A Revolution in the Air

Can I just say that I love Sociology and I hope that my children are as passionate as I have been and desire to go into the same major? Of course, they don’t have to; it’s ok if they want to do something more “productive” but what fun is that? I mean the rebellions and the revolutions! The amazing feeling of doing something important and worthwhile! What got me on to this is that here at school we Sociology majors have recently gotten our own building, well we still share the building but all of our classes are actually in the same building. What I am getting at is that all the interesting things on campus happen at this building, regardless that it is shared with the mathematics department. I mean we even had Santa come (we won’t get into the real feelings about Santa today however). As I walked up to “our building”, the Ricks building, I saw a guy holding a picket sign which said something like “Rexburg Housing something, something LIARS!” (It was upside down, that’s the best I can do). I thought to myself, “fantastic!” I want to make my own. But along with my picket sign I would have a little flyer explaining why Rexburg Housing is a bunch of liars and I would have testimonials from all the people that I know as to why you shouldn’t live there. I wanted to change their very own signs to de-promote them! Have signs in the grass in front of their buildings that say “Rexburg Housing something, something LIARS!” It would be fantastic! Instead of their signs that say, “We want you and you’re whole posse” we’d change the signs to read “We want your soul and your whole posse’s souls too!” Maybe with a nice picture of Jessica Pace and devil horns! Viva La Revolution!!

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