Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 1
Speak Not: A Warning

It’s nothing personal but I am a different person when I first wake up. I’m by no means a morning person, a night owl all the way. It still baffles me that I was born in the morning, around 9 am, too early for me now so what happened then? Needless to say, I don’t want to talk in the morning. I hate ‘good morning’s and pointless chit-chat. I’d rather pretend that no one else existed and just go about getting halfway decent to face the world. Don’t laugh when I enter the room walking at an angle, this only furthers my dislike of you. I take measures to try to get the message across. I don’t like being rude to people, despite what you may think, that is why I attempt to avoid being pushed to the point where what I say behind your back comes out to your face. I have a portable CD player that I plug into as I prepare to leave my room and get ready. I have the music playing, loudly enough so that I can’t hear what you are saying, just a gentle stream of mumbles which I would love to ignore. So when I am sitting there with headphones on I would like to think that people are intelligent enough to leave me the hell alone. Don’t start talking to me and smiling like a moron awaiting my response, because if I was outwardly the person that I am inwardly my response would be a punch in the face for your stupidity.
The same can be said anytime that I am wearing headphones. I believe that people wear headphones for a purpose, and I hate to be the one to tell you, but it’s so that they can ignore you. They can get by with just smiling at you as they pass by you on the sidewalk. It’s also so that they can study and you’ll get the idea that they don’t want to listen to you. I am one such person. I have a hard time concentrating on my school work, I don’t know if it is because it is ridiculously boring, or if it is because I have a learning disability. Guess we’ll never know. The jest is that I listen to the music; I can study with the music. The music is not vying for my attention, people however usually are, that’s why they make noise, and they like to be noticed. So I really dislike that even though I have left the headphones in my room there is still music playing and people start to talk to me. It’s not as though I was just sitting there in the living room listening to music, it is that I am listening to music with a $70 text book in my lap and to add emphasis I am furrowing my brow so you think I am deep in thought when really the only thought going through my head is “why are you here?” And then it begins, they talk. All signs point to keep your mouth shut, and they still open it. Why is this? What is it about people that they can be so daft and not pick up the clues I set up before them? I don’t know maybe it’s me, maybe I should just have a little hand out that I give to people when they start talking that says in big letters, “Stop now, don’t make me hate you.” And then in smaller print beneath it will say,” I don’t like when people talk and I am listening to music, if the headphones are on, I’m not going to listen or respond and now that you have read this note I have a right to get physically violent with you if I so choose. Look at me, if I have headphones on: walk away; if I have a textbook in my hand: walk away. I was not sitting here, hoping to strike up a conversation with you. Have a good day.” Sure this may seem rude, but at least people will know, and I won’t have to hate them anymore, unless of course they ignore my card, thinking I’m being funny, when I’m not.
Just for the record, don’t talk to me when I am doing dishes either. I am doing one of two things when I am washing dishes, first, I am probably cleaning up your mess and thinking bad thoughts about you, so it’s best to stay clear. Secondly, I may be doing it as therapy. Either way, I’m in a bad mood and you’re the last person I want to see.
Chapter one gets us off to a rough start, I’m not usually this bad. But today is a day of constant disappointment and complete disdain for certain people in my life right now, so I can’t help but be affected and to just tell it like it is. I just want people to know, I mean, knowledge is power right?

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