Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 23
Betty Crocker

Sometimes things can get over done. Like a cake being over baked. It’s gross. No one wants to eat a burned cake. For example, you could write so many papers for school that you no longer care if they make sense. You go through mental lethargy. You forget what words mean and even how they are spelled. Your fingers, hands, wrists, and arms ache from the mental and physical exhaustion of sitting in front of a computer. You stop noticing what you are really doing and if it looks weird to people. You zone out, such as I did today in the library. You just start staring off into space, right past the person sitting across from you to the hundreds of books on the shelf. Sometimes you even read the titles of these books, not that by doing so you seem any less weird to those around you. The best you can do is pretend that you were thinking about your paper. It’s a strange kind of tired, one that is next to impossible to alleviate, as I am slowly finding out. Blasting music into your ears won’t change it. Playing a computer game, watching a movie, eating. Nothing works. And you can’t sleep because you are thinking what else needs to be done! I have written three and a half papers in three and a half days. No wonder I have trouble remembering what day it is each morning I wake up, as opposed to those days that I don’t wake up…
I can’t stop moving either. My leg is always shaking and sometimes my pen joins in. People must think that I am on caffeine pills or a red bull or something. Gosh I’m so tired! It’s a surreal feeling, like I am not really awake, or I’m coming off of laughing gas (yeah, to me they are the same feeling). I’d be a bit scared to operate heavy machinery right now.
School is an oven in desperate need of a maintenance repair or a temperature check and our teachers are the careless chefs in the kitchen. Sorry this one isn’t very long, or good, or anything of much substance or use, but I am truly stifled at the moment.

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