Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 34
I’m Baking like a Toasted Cheeser!

When did Virginia get so hot! The only saving grace of today’s whether was when it got cloudy and ready to rain! I am home, you have reviewed the road trip by now and the story is now in another geographical location than it was two chapters ago. I miss Sweet Pea (who also hit a bird on her road trip). I miss Crunchy too, and Oreo. When I said goodbye to Sweet Pea I cried a little bit, but even then I didn’t realize how much I would miss her. I didn’t get to say goodbye to Crunchy, which I haven’t decided if that was good or bad. However, I do feel as though he has already erased me from his life and it has only been a week, bummer, I was hoping I would last longer in his memory. I guess it was fun while it lasted.
I tried to unpack the rest of my car today in the heat, which isn’t really as hot as it will get yet I found myself extremely uncomfortable. I prefer the nose hair freezing of Idaho to the humid heat of spring time Virginia. I am now reduced to wearing shorts and a tank top. I don’t wear shorts; you can ask anyone, they just aren’t for me. I hate when people wear shorts (haven’t I mentioned this before). But here I am. I tried to get by with only changing into the tank top but it wasn’t enough, so I gave in and pulled out my only pair of shorts, good thing I shaved my legs this morning.
Last night while I laid on my bed after the nasty cookie attack I realized that I got too attached to my friends in Idaho. Not a bad thing, just a fact. I am hoping that I can move on, because that’s what people are suppose to do, but part of me keeps thinking and wondering when I can move back out west. I even miss the creepy squirrels of Idaho who were way too friendly, and not scared of humans. I’d give anything for the all direction wind of Idaho (where no matter which direction you turn the wind is blowing). Even though it was boring, I would like to sit and watch a movie again with Crunchy and Oreo.
But as I lay there on my bed I glanced over at a piggy bank that looks pretty pissed off to be here, or it could be because it is void of any cash. One shake could tell me he probably hasn’t seen a penny in years. Then I looked around my room and realized that there were three other piggy banks and I have to wonder to myself ‘who am I?’ What is my obsession with piggy banks? Is it that I never had one when I was little so apparently sometime between high school and college I began to collect them? At least one of them is heavy with coinage.

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