Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 10
Plane Crashes, Trains Wrecks, and Automobile Demolitions

Day two of therapy: A lot more helpful than day one. I actually did talk. I was still uptight in my seat, barely willing to move. But besides that we got a lot done. I have assignments to work on and I check back in next Tuesday to make sure I did those assignments. Right now I should be writing a paper that is almost 2 weeks past due, but better late than never right?
So I was in the computer lab checking my e-mail before I began work on this paper and one of the girls in my ward came in. Boy is she a talker, she started to ask me what my plans were for spring break and I mentioned a trip down to Utah to see my brother. She asked if I had my own car. She asked if anyone was going with me and I said my friend was going to her sister’s which is in the area. Then she started to ask some more questions, I got weary because I began to see where all of this was going and I wasn’t too particularly interested in giving her a ride, since she has been known to bug the crap out of me as well as my friend. But when it came down to it I couldn’t refuse, she isn’t even on the way, it takes me out of my way to get her there but she is willing to help with gas, but still. You know, I’m usually very good at lying to people, I do it all the time without so much as a second thought, but when it counts I just can’t do it. I freeze, unable to fabricate some story about how my car is full or how taking an hour out of the way is just too much for me, but she keeps talking about how she has tried to get a ride but no one is going there. She spits out enough word vomit and before I know I tell her its fine and I inform her the time to meet at my house and the whole deal. How did this happen to me? I feel like I was hit over the head and, and, something.
Other areas of my life are just as strange, just as head throbbingly annoying. For example, I have been wrong in the assumption that I had an imaginary boyfriend moving up the ranks to imaginary husband. As it turns out he was really in pursuit of becoming my brother. That’s right; my “imaginary boyfriend” has swapped over to the illegal in all 50 states “imaginary brother”. My friend tried to explain to him that you don’t tell a girl she is like your sister because you have completely taken her out of the running. He didn’t understand, kept pleading that it was a compliment. The only way I could compare it was to explain to him that him telling me that I was like his sister was like when I tell him he is a lightweight. He said he didn’t care but it became the preoccupation of his thoughts for the rest of the night, as I knew it would…call me evil. Later my friend explained that even if I didn’t have feelings for the guy being compared to a sister-type kind of takes my attractiveness from me. I fully agree…she is so smart sometimes. It’s a wonder why I could never think that a boy/man could like me with guys friends like him stripping me of my attractiveness. Just for that, if he ever did get sent to prison I wouldn’t sent him soap on a string like I told him I would, he’s not worthy of such kindness on my part. On the other hand, maybe our relationship has achieved a certain balance, he strips me of my attractiveness and I strip him of his dignity. Same difference in my book.

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