Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chapter 60
Too eventful for an uneventful day

So I finally had it out with Puppy Love. Of course saying that I ‘had it out’ with him makes it seem like we had a fight or something, which I didn’t. So he came to church today, and I had been trying to e-mail him all last night but my internet had stopped working so I never got the chance to. He came up to me after sacrament and we were talking for a bit, but my sister was there and that means my nephew was there and I just wanted to get over to them and not deal with anything. So then he starts saying that he is going to come down to the nursery with me, all I could think was, “Not my sanctuary!!” It’s suppose to be a happy, carefree place! But as it turns out a lot of the kids his age know him, so he ends up going to Sunday school with them. But then he came down to the nursery later, did he want to talk then or something? Because seriously, I’m busy, I’m “involved” with the little ones. He leaves and then later comes back down again! I knew I needed to say something, so after church I offered to drive him home. Of course we had to walk back to my house first to get my car (have I mentioned I walk to church?) So he has now been to my house…slightly creepy. Anyway, so I gathered together some things to go over to my parents house before taking him home and I grab a disk saying something about needing to e-mail a friend something. Then he says, “Oh yeah e-mail”. I got that stomach dropping down a bottomless pit feeling and I was just like, “yeah” and he mentions how he still wants to know what I said in the e-mail that I didn’t yet get to send. So I tell him that I could go ahead and tell him on the car ride home or he could wait until I e-mailed him. So in the car I told him that I was flattered, but I just didn’t feel the same way, and I thought he was an amazing guy and I think I even threw in the age card because when I get nervous I say more than I have to. Then I apologized and started to say something about how I didn’t really know what I was suppose to say and then he says that it’s okay, he just had to take the chance. I told him I respected that he did that, and I really do. It’s hard to take chances and if no one took chances we would never get anywhere. I still felt like crap on the drive to my parents house.
I came home early tonight because I hadn’t been feeling well. Luckily I took two Advil before I left my parents because when I got back home there were people here, and more on the way. I was not in the mood but I felt the need to not be so anti-social this time. So I hung out in the kitchen with some guys that I have apparently known most of my life, but I don’t really know them. Then more boys began to come into the kitchen where I was. I met two really nice guys who are here for the summer, go figure. I moved into the other room and sat down because someone mentioned playing a game so I thought that meant we would be soon. SO as I sat on the piano bench one of the guys I met came and sat down by me and just started talking to me, and it wasn’t even creepy, and I mentioned being socially retarded without being socially retarded. I was cracking jokes with the guy, and he was laughing, and we even did an experiment. You know you were meant to be friends when you conduct an experiment in a social setting together. People weren’t eating a certain type of candy on the table and we hypothesized about whether it was due to the fact that they were unopened or if it was because of what color they were. Turns out it was because they hadn’t been opened because as soon as we opened them everyone was picking them over all the other candy. We kept trying to play a game and finally my new friend and I decided to take charge and I just said, ‘Yeah we can do that because we are leaders, we opened this candy, and we opened the nerds, and now we are going to get this game rolling!” The game didn’t really start rolling right away though because we overlooked location. It’s all about the location right? Once we had that we started to play, but part of me thinks that maybe too many people were playing. It was hard to keep focused, or to even hear what was going on and worse yet, to know who was still in.
So I spent the rest of the evening walking around trying to find something to do. I ended up going upstairs to watch my new friend (The Researcher) learn how to play Mario Carts, and better yet, begin to kick some butt! I got bored with it though and came downstairs several times, but I always ended up going back to watch the game. Then I came downstairs and they were having a “dance party” which was pretty much just four girls dancing around, one of them was in short shorts and a tank top, and you know, as much as I like feeling like I am at a strip club I decided to go and watch some more Mario Carts, because that’s got to be better than feeling like I have a couple of perverted guys in my living room watching some whorish girls shake their booty. Why don’t they just pull out their dollar bills and start to shove them down the girl’s pants. I’m sure the girls wouldn’t mind the extra cash.

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