Friday, July 14, 2006

Intermission: Real People Don’t Keep Puppies in Their Cars

My friend hung out with my pretend boyfriend and me tonight. I hesitate to call him my pretend husband as I feel he must at least work for it. Act like it or not I still have the overall say in whether or not you receive the title. She says that at times she felt like the third wheel, which I hate that I made her feel like that because I have been the actual third wheel, in fact in high school I did it so much I wouldn’t have been surprised if I responded to someone calling me ‘third wheel’. Come to think of it, I have been a pretend girlfriend before. Scratch that, I’ve been a substitute girlfriend. It’s much like being a substitute teacher, when the real teacher can’t come in to work that day they call a substitute, people generally like substitutes, or they mentally and emotionally abuse them. It’s a 50/50 chance. I was a substitute girlfriend for my best friend. She would call me when she couldn’t make a date with her boyfriend. Odd you say? Yes, looking back on it I would have to agree, somehow though when it was all happening I was just pulled into it without any thought. I have been on many dates as a substitute girlfriend, and yet, again, didn’t reap the benefits of the hard work, I guess the reward came years later, they are broken up and him and I are still really good friends. You can build a strong bond with those who you take out but never actually date, it can’t ever get weird. But again, I digress, which actually is the entire point of an intermission, so I digress from my digression. However, I didn’t really have much more to say about tonight aside from the fact that my friend even felt like my pretend boyfriend and I were “together” at times. I wonder what life will be like not even having my pretend boyfriend in the same state.

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