Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chapter 69
The Dynamic Dinner

So tonight we had roommate dinner. I was pretty quiet because even though I have lived here for two months I haven’t spent a lot of time with my roommates and I don’t even know if they like me, but as you already know, I don’t always like them. But we had a pretty good time. We couldn’t stop laughing at first. I am getting the hang of the roommate dynamics and am here to report that my intuitions are pretty good. I perceived that the two roommates that live upstairs don’t really get along with the other downstairs roommate. I was right, I mean, they get along with her most of the time, but these two are thick as thieves. They remind me of Sweet Pea and me, or course Sweet Pea and me were a whole lot funnier. Beside the point, so if they are Sweet Pea and me, then that leaves the third roommate to be the Antagonizer, but she’s not one, it’s completely for comparison purposes. We got along with the Antagonizer sometimes but we didn’t always. So at one point during dinner jokes were flying, but these were venomous jokes, sharp darts of dislike camouflaged as a reminiscence of something funny with a thick creamy core of repugnance. And then one roommate pulls a Sweet Pea and does some appeasement work as Antagonizer Jr. said something that stopped the laughs because she forgot the camouflage on her comment.
It was interesting to say the least. But the good news is that I’m not the least favorite, I’m just the one they are still trying to get used to. There was one point in tonight’s conversation when Antag Jr. was talking about boys and she said, “You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t” so I said under my breath, “dam it”. I figure if she’s allowed to use that language as the dinner table then so am I!
All in all we had a pretty good dinner, but then it was over and there is a weird tension here. I think I have spoken of it before, I don’t think the two roommates like the other one. She seems to have been bugging them after dinner last night, so then everyone went their way and I came to my room, in my pajamas by 9pm and writing a chapter. I think I’ll go watch Benny and Joon because I need some more Johnny Depp.

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