Monday, July 17, 2006

Chapter 59
Holiday Shopping

Today the customer from hell came into the store and she just happened to come to my line! Why in the world did she pick my line? I was going along at a good pace, and we were busy but we weren’t what I would call backed up. This lady must have been the Warrior’s grandmother, because he threatened to have every member of his family come into the store and hand me one item at a time and then have me void off some items too, which is exactly what this customer did. It all started before I even had to deal with her. She was trying to get the attention of the cashier in front of me. I thought that maybe this was because she knew him or because she had something interesting to tell him. So I get his attention for her and she asked him to put some bread back because she didn’t want it. I quickly intercepted that conversation and told her that I would find someone to take care of that because he was on a register. Then I finished with the customer in front of her and it was her turn. She handed me one item at a time, she kept saying, “This is how I want it bagged” and “I will tell you what I want and what to ring up next.” Like I’m her freaking orderly and my one job is to give her a place to feel like she is truly in charge when really all she is doing is pissing me off. I mean, I don’t feel unjustified in feeling like this lady wanted a place where she was boss. Because when she decided that she didn’t bring enough money to cover all the groceries in her cart, and not even all of them already rung up she started to tell the baggers that she will decide what goes back. No shit Sherlock, why would we choose what you don’t go home with? Did I mention that we ended up putting half a cart back on the shelf? I mean seriously, budget as you go. You know how much money you have because you are carrying it around in cash form. Since you know you only have this much, pay attention to what you are buying! Even then, if you are worried you went over, watch the screen, hold back the things that you can live without at the end of the cart, because I’d rather you be annoying in that way, then be annoying in the way of making me void off so many items and having you slow me down completely. I feel bad for the customers who picked my line. I never feel bad for the customers, but today I honestly did.
After she left I was so pissed off I considered asking a manager if I could take a quick bathroom break. I just needed to get away from all the idiots! Did I also mention that tonight was the worst night to work because no one good worked? I don’t only mean no one fun, I mean no one who does anything. ANYTHING! I worked with a bunch of people who like to feel like they are working by constantly going to the water fountain or to the bathroom. I understand that they are thirsty because they go in and out side all day long. I know what that’s like. But for the love, when they are off hydrating and in a way dehydrating themselves I am doing two people’s jobs. I am ringing up the groceries and I am bagging them. Then I only look for the freshly hydrated baggers to finally take them out. I’m thirsty too! But without baggers actually coming up to the registers and helping us, cashiers don’t get any sort of break. I help the baggers when they are there; I actually like to do that. But at least I do not have to bag really hard because I am the only one there, I can sit back for a second if the bagger has everything under control and I can breath. That way, I don’t blow up at the customers (in my mind) or at the baggers either. And my whole body doesn’t end up shaking from exhaustion and everything else included in not having to do a cardiovascular workout for 6 straight hours.

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