Monday, July 17, 2006

Chapter 51
Angry Eyes

Today I have been extremely and uncontrollably angry. The turrets syndrome was full blown today. Barely anyone noticed thank goodness. I guess it was a mixture of yesterday and today. Yesterday they called me into work early, entitling me to a half hour break. Not only was I stuck on a damn express lane from 3:30 to 7:15 but they didn’t give me my ‘mandatory regardless of how many hours you work over 3’ 15 minute break. That’s right, my first break didn’t come until almost 4 hours after getting to work in a 6 hour shift, but they failed to give me my last break. It pisses me off, and even more so that today I didn’t get my first break until after 1 o’clock and I had been at work since 9:30. Again, almost four hours…that’s not normal for all of you people who are fortunate enough to have semi-real to real jobs. Then my manager pulls me aside and apologizes because he accidentally marked me as having my break and that’s why it took so long, and the next time that happens I should tell him about it. Yeah, like I know when he is going to accidentally mark me off as already having gotten my break.
Also they are redoing the store, I mean, they are moving everything around and we have all these customers who were “forced” (as one customer said) to come to our store because they closed the store closest to their house (mind you it was closest to mine as well but it’s an extra minute in your drive, suck it up cry babies). So all these customers are complaining about how we are changing the store around to confuse them…uh...yeah you paranoid freaks, we decided we hate you, and only you, therefore we not only forced you to come to a better, cleaner looking store, but we are changing the freaking place to fit in your damn pharmacy that you have probably been bitching about losing when the other store closed. I’m so sorry that the world is out to get you; meanwhile, my job has gone to shitsville and I absolutely hate it. It’s not just these people who think that it is my honor and my privilege to “serve” their lily white asses with their manicured nails and not a day’s labor on their hands and who for some freaking reason think I want them to be there any more than they want to be there. If it sucks so bad, find another grocery store, cause guess what?! I could care less! In fact, I’ll personally sign you up for one of their “savor” cards as long as you get your ass out of my store and leave me the hell alone. I get paid no matter where you decide to shop. Did I mention that it’s not just them? It’s management, it’s the store changing its entire insides around (And not in the most strategic way either), it’s just a bunch of things and I think that maybe I have finally outgrown my high school job (just took five years after graduation).
Who knows, maybe it doesn’t even boil down to them, maybe they are casualties stuck in the path of something else eating away at me…shall we move on then, to my next complaint?
I love my mom, really, I do, but in this little do-dad I have a place to vent about her. I don’t think she realizes that she doesn’t make life much easier by telling me the should-a would-a could-as of life. Yes, I probably should have started to apply for jobs before I even graduated, hell, let’s throw in that I should have probably pick a different major than Sociology! What do I have to show for 4.5 years of college? A degree that can’t do a thing for me looking for jobs that require 2-5 years work experience. What is the freaking point of college? I should have probably just joined the work force immediately after high school and been someone’s peon until I moved up the ranks to the positions that people are actually hiring for now. Where are the entry level jobs? How do people get this experience that you are looking for? It’s just so stupid. I’ve deviated from my mother to my next complaint, oh well.
I’m unemployable; I have no marketable skills, nothing to offer the world. I tried to think of things I could do so I could start my own business…but I’m brain dead, flat line, nothing. All I know is what I don’t want and where exactly is that suppose to take me? I’m just wasting space right now. I filled out information on in the hopes that maybe the monster can help me in my employment endeavors; I even added another city to my potential and the green light on relocation, which would be Sacramento, California. Oh, in case you don’t realize why Sacramento, California would make my list and the okay to move to that location, this is home to Sweet Pea. Hey, she always says to move to California. Now, I’m not expecting to actually get any job offers in California, but I felt spontaneous tonight. Heck, if I can get a job there, I will consider it! Right now I am pretty much open to any city within the United States, except those located in Hurricane paths, Texas, Arizona, or New Mexico. Okay, so I’m not as open to move as I first seem, but hey, I’m willing to move. I am not as attached as I formerly have been. My parents will be fine without me, and I would probably be better off further away from them, my sister will be fine, and my friends…ha, what friends? I mean, I have people that I joke around with at work, and I have friends that I hang out with, but why would I stay here just because of that? I barely know these people, why do I owe them that? Digression again.
Have I mentioned that no one knows how to drive here? Honestly, they don’t. They have been doing nothing but pissing me off for the last 4 days now. It was sporadic at first, but it’s been constant the last couple of days. Tonight I was driving behind a slow poke so I turn on my signal and I move into the next lane to pass them, what does Mr. Brainpan do? He pulls in front of me…with out a freaking blinker. I can’t go back to the other lane because someone else has moved into my spot. I had to wonder if the moron in the van in front of me had any other plans today other than being a freaking idiot!
Meanwhile there is some guy sitting on the couch in our living room talking on his damn cell phone. His identity is beyond me, I have not been introduced to this one, nor do I even care. All I know is that he is all alone, lounging on the couch. Go back to your own freaking home loser and stop breathing my air!!
I need to watch a movie where people’s lives don’t end happily ever after, maybe that way I’ll realize that life is suppose to be this screwy at times but it doesn’t mean prince charming is on his way, in fact, he’s probably sitting in his boxer shorts and a dirty tee shirt eating Doritos and playing a video game, not realizing how pathetic he is.

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