Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 35
Soul People

So Crunchy called me today. We didn’t get to talk long, our phone call got cut off and I tried calling back but it didn’t work. Talking to him made me realize two things, first off, it’s only been a week since I’ve seen him but I don’t really know what to talk about. Secondly is not so much a realization as it is a reminder of how much I miss those people in my life. I suppose it doesn’t help that he is the only person I have intentionally picked up the phone for since I have been home. A friend who I consider so close as to call him a cousin called today and I was about to pick up for him but then I decided not to. I don’t even really want to talk to him ever, it’s awkward, everything here is awkward mostly because I can’t really remember how I am suppose to act here. I almost called my sister a hussy today but I stopped myself, because I don’t know how well that would have gone over. People at church today kept coming up to talk to me and I just have no clue how to react to them. How close was I to this person? How did I act with them? It’s just difficult.
So Crunchy called back and I realized a third thing. I miss having someone to pick on who just takes it and doesn’t make me feel like I’m being mean, but playful. It took four years to groom Crunchy to the state that our friendship was, I don’t have time to groom someone else. I just need someone else to be like that automatically. Crunchy once said that we were like soul people and maybe we were, I just hope I have another ‘soul person’ out here at home and that I meet them soon because I am becoming more and more antisocial in this place. I even get to the point that I don’t want to move in with those girls at the end of the month, but I still will, and I comfort myself thinking that if things get bad I really do have a second home to come to. If I want to avoid my roommates I simply come to my parent’s house for the day. It’s a nice thought that I am not stuck there and have to hide out in my room like I did at school. Now if only Sweet Pea were moving in to that house too, that would make it 50 times better. We’d have a lot of fun.

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