Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 36
World’s Colliding

Ok, so my worlds aren’t spinning out of control crashing into each other and slowly destroying the other bit by bit, not in the real world. It was in my dream that first woke me up at 2 in the morning in a sweat and then it was the one that I kept going back to sleep to see how it ended until I realize finally that I couldn’t just sleep until it was time to go to work. The first part of the dream all that I can really remember about it was that people from Idaho were mixed with people from Virginia, but to be honest I don’t remember much beyond that. The second part I do remember much better. I was at one of the church buildings at home, and we were getting ready for graduation. All I could think was that I already graduated, but apparently at home your high school gets all the college graduates together after a certain amount of time and does another ceremony to show who has graduated from college (this is only true in my dream). So I am in the building running around trying to get everything ready. I run into Oreo and ask if she is coming to the ceremony and she complains that her teacher has scheduled a mandatory overview of the final during that time. I’m bummed to say the least but what can you do? So my friend from high school is asked to walk into the auditorium last so that she can close the door behind her, but nobody has really practiced this and not everyone is even there when people start to walk in, so my friend is left by the door as though she is a greeter. I run to get my gown and my cap and I am in a different room trying to put it on, but there is a second hat that you need on, (which seems normal in the dream) and I am struggling to get the cap on over the other hat. I help the Antagonizer put her cap and gown on and send her to go walk in (that’s right, Antagonizer was graduating there too…) So this kid from high school (I don’t know who he was, but I knew in my dream that he was from my high school and that he turned out real nice!) offers to help me. While he is helping me I hear my high school sign language teacher thanking me for offering to bring up the end of the line and close the door, so now I feel obligated to hold off and wait for everyone to show up. But then the guy from high school says he’ll drive me there (The room is down the hall from where we are and for some reason this sounds plausible).
So I accept the ride from him and he is giving two other friends a ride as well. As we are leaving the building I see Oreo in one of the classrooms and her teacher is one that I took a course from last year and she’s a meanie, so I just nod and agree that a teacher like that would schedule something during the ceremony. So we get into the guys SUV and I am in the passenger seat and his two friends are in the back. So we are driving and I am trying to make conversation with these guys that I don’t really know and one of the guys from the back is giving the driver short-cut directions to the building (that we just left) and suddenly I feel something rubbing my elbow and it is the driver! I thought it was a little weird but I don’t pull my elbow away. I take off my cap and other hat because they are annoying me and I am letting the wind blow through my hair which was getting all sweaty under the cap. Then we go through this field that there was a dirt road running through and we end up in a parking lot at the VCU campus (the school I plan to go to grad school for). I got all excited when I saw the big VCU on one of the buildings. Then we pass this one building that looks like a drop off for skateboarders instead of a school building. Then we see this box moving seemingly by itself until we get closer and realize that little tiny rats are working in pairs together to move the box. As we pass by them they all look up at us and the driver and I both kind of shudder and say at the same time that it was creepy. Then we are going through an apartment complex parking lot and there were these two little boys and they came out in front of us and we stopped but the driver kept trying to go a little closer and then another SUV shoots out in front of us! My road rage is kicking in since this guy not only almost hit us but the little boys as well. The driver of the SUV gets out and holds up a hand to us and says something but I can’t remember but it didn’t have anything to do with what followed. So the driver of our car pops the hood and the older man starts to look at it. I look over and someone’s leg from the back is coming through the arm rest area and resting right by me and then the driver puts his hand on my leg and then the weirdest part of all this kid from high school is sitting next to me and starts to tell me a story. Which for some reason has the words “Remember one of times when I called you…” and this kid has never called me before, I don’t think we even talked in high school. But he goes on to tell me a story and I feel like his arm is around my shoulders and I am wondering why (though I am not wondering how he suddenly appeared to be sitting next to me). His story was funny and reminded me of a story that Crunchy told me; in fact this guy’s eyes were probably why I instantly thought of Crunchy, because they had the same exact eyes. So I start to tell the story, but I have a problem swallowing (my throat has been hurting me) and I try coughing and such and the kid from high school is wondering why I am telling him a story about another guy and I try to say because it’s funny but I am having the hardest time talking. In fact it was the feeling of not being able to swallow that woke me up this morning. What does all of that mean? I need a dream book.
Ah, so I remember the first dream a little bit! So Sweet Pea and I were back in Rexburg and I forgot some things from our old apartment so we went back but the door was closed and we figured locked. But then I remembered that the door never really closed so I went and moved the door a bit and played with the handle and then the door flung open. There was a lot of stuff in there and I went into the bathroom to get my stuff out of the shower and it had been moved to a shelf. I grabbed a plastic bag and put the stuff in and realized that someone had already moved in and I told sweet pea not to worry about getting charged because someone moved in already so they wouldn’t have anyway of knowing what mess we had left and what mess this girl had already created. I looked at the girl’s pictures and it was a girl from home. Anyway, we ended up hanging out in the apartment until someone came in to the apartment, but it wasn’t the girl it was a serial killer and I remember being scared and that’s when I woke up.

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