Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 47
The End is At Hand

Last night’s dream involved the end of the world! I can tell you that I almost peed my pants! So Sheri Dew was going to be giving a conference and the day before she told everyone to pay close attention to what she would be saying because it was going to help us change our lives and be better people and that at the end we should exit the auditorium quickly because all the water in all the world was going to freeze and when it did it was going to kill anyone near it because it would shatter and create pretty much shards of glass flying around everywhere. Needless to say I was scared, I had a few hours left to live. So all the next day I was worried about how I was going to get out of the auditorium quickly enough, I was certain there would be a mad rush to do so. Meanwhile though people were making refreshments for after the conference and life seemed to be going on as usual, I began to think that maybe nothing bad was going to happen because everything was still normal and why would she have us all gather in the auditorium if only to trap us? Also she said to pay close attention because what she said would help us change our lives…why bother if we would all die right after? So somehow I ended up not even being in the auditorium and not really paying attention but instead I was selling clothes to an elderly lady, she left me and went into my parents home and saw a weight set that she wanted to buy so she made a deal with my dad. My dad came outside with a receipt that he wrote up saying how much the lady wanted the weights for, and apparently they were mine so I was making some profit. Then I went inside and suddenly was calling Neal A. Maxwell to wish him a Happy Birthday! I don’t personally know Elder Maxwell but I was on the phone with his wife for a bit because he was giving a piano lesson so she and I talked for a bit. Somehow and for some reason we talked about me baking something for them and she called me “sugar” because I baked, not as a term of endearment. So then I was finally able to get Elder Maxwell on the phone and wished him happy birthday.
Then I was in a huge room and was suppose to be teaching a class so I started to talk about the experience with Sheri Dew and her talk and the preparation and realization that we all weren’t going to die, and how that took some faith and yada, yada, yada, how we need to improve our lives because what she was talking about (the ice and death) was going to be coming quickly and in our lifetimes. So then I start taking questions and comments from everyone and Sister Maxwell was in the class and she raised her hand and I went up to her and she said very softly, “Are you Sugar?” and I nodded my head and she grabbed my hand and held it for a second. Then I went back to answering questions and taking comments. It was crazy. The weirdest part is that I was a great teacher! I didn’t have any notes or anything; it was all coming straight out of my head and in perfect timing too.
Oh and some time in the middle of the night I banged my knee against the window sill (not in a dream) and it hurt like the dickens. I have a huge bruise there, and today I have to go to the river…that’s right, I said I have to go to the river. My roommates are determined to hang out with me today and for some reason they like to get into shorts and tank tops, or just their bathing suits and hang out near dirty water. They wanted to go to the beach and I had a way out and I also told her I didn’t like the beach. So they changed plans. I’m hoping they change their minds but part of me knows that they won’t, they are looking forward to this. So I guess I should shave my legs or something to get ready. I hate wearing shorts! Who knew getting me to be a normal summer person would be like pulling teeth? Maybe it’s because all the sun really does is suck the energy out of you and I don’t want to be tired the rest of the day…why do people think this is fun? At the same time I feel bad for these girls, they have no idea what a bum I am. They like the beach, concerts, the river, King’s Dominion, baseball games, and ultimate Frisbee. I don’t like any of those things; it’s going to be a long summer and I am wondering what I have gotten myself into.
The worst, and yet not really the worst part, about being home is the other day I caught myself thinking about moving, maybe back out west which I never thought I would say. But I honestly miss Sweet Pea, and I have been trying to find someone who could even come close to her and no one really compares. I would love to get a real apartment with her; it would be so much fun! I could move too, it’s not a problem, it’s not like I have a promising job here, it’s just a grocery store and I could do that anywhere. In the meantime I could look for something better somewhere else, anywhere else. I’ve already moved out on my own once (granted it hasn’t even been a full week yet) so I could do it again. Besides if I stick around here I only end up building a crush on a 16/17 year old kid and I don’t want to be a pedophile.
I guess I should go get ready to serve my time (oh at the river, not in jail, I’m not acting on this little crush thing).

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