Monday, July 17, 2006

Chapter 50
Night of the Living Deaf

Today I found out that Gotta Pee is another guy who I forgot worked in that department. He’s a nice guy and all, but everything makes total sense with him being Gotta Pee. From what I know about his personality I can totally see him saying that. My friend at work told me the story behind it and it was pretty funny. Just thought I would let you know.
Moving on, tonight at work was very odd. I worked over in the café tonight and in half an hour I had three deaf customers! The odds of getting one in a whole day’s work is slim to none so three in only 30 minutes is pretty exceptional. This is especially rare since I am the only cashier who knows sign language. Just thought I would note that very curious occurrence.
Another strange event and I’ll add uncomfortable to this one, was that I ran into my ex-boyfriend tonight. Now, he’s not really my ex-boyfriend, according to me we never dated, we went on two dates and that was that. However, according to him we were apparently an item. When things were “obviously over” to him he broke up with me, (this being a hint to me that we had apparently been going out for a couple of months). Since I have been broken up with I figure that I’ll just call him my ex-boyfriend. I was walking out to my car after work and he was talking to one of my friends in the parking lot. So my friend, who I get the funny feeling, was trying to pawn ex-boyfriend off on me, called me over to say “Look who it is!” since I haven’t seen ex-boyfriend in a couple of years. I was able to get out of giving a hug since I had just gotten off work and was a bit sweaty, and said so as I came up so he would get the idea that I didn’t want to give a hug. I wouldn’t let my friend pawn ex-boyfriend off on me. We all stood around talking in the parking lot for about 20 minutes. Well, in all honesty, my friend and I were talking to each other for 20 minutes; ex-boyfriend was just kind of standing there listening to our old stories about old friends. My friend was more my boyfriend in high school than ex-boyfriend was and I never even went on one date with him, well, a real date with him (this is the friend who I was a substitute girlfriend for). Is this getting complicated yet? Let’s move on. Then I finally said that I had to go because my mom bought me dinner (half true) so I left then in the parking lot together as I drove off. I went and got my dinner and came home.
Meanwhile I am watching the original “Shining” and the mother is still annoying as ever. I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt on the screaming because she does it so well, and when I come to think of it, if my husband was Jack Nicholson and he had suddenly taken an ax to the bathroom door in order to break it down and kill me…I’d be screaming too. Maybe more than she did. But you see, any credit I give her is automatically taken away as she flails her arms around while she runs. I run like she does in the movie when I am trying to get a laugh out of people. To make it worse she’s got huge knife in her hand! I keep waiting for it to slice her cheek or chin as she goes running around. Then, she gets to the top of these stairs and a man in a business suit and what I think is a bear costume are sitting in this room, who knows what was going on there, and instead of being perplexed she goes running off again, knife flailing in the air, screaming. I would personally just have been very perplexed, then again, I forget that her and her small family where the only ones there, supposedly. Of course I did watch my favorite scene, when the blood starts coming out of the elevators in huge quantities and her little pale face starts sucking in air like crazy. Strangely through the whole thing though I just kept thinking of when the Simpson’s did a little parody on this with Homer being the one to go crazy and he says as he lifts his knife into the air, “Urge to kill rising!” Oh goodness, Jack Nicholson is the ultimate scary man. Maybe it’s the eyebrows.

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