Friday, July 14, 2006

Chapter 21
Intermission says, “Did you miss me!?”

Who knew that an article brought to us by our very own Scroll would bring about so much awareness that students are finally realizing how dishonestly they are being treated. The article of which I speak you may ask? It is the one that was on Arbor Cove changing to men’s housing. The week after that article was in the paper there was a guest writer who wrote in about approved housing. He wrote it so much better than I ever could and I fully agreed with him. Then there was the sign that I saw a couple of days ago, a kid walking into the Rick’s building with a sign that says, “Approved housing supports liars” or something along those lines. Then, the best part, by some strange chance I happened to be watching the Idaho news, and what do you know? They are interviewing the protestor (the one with the sign who led the campus it’s first on campus protest of two people…if I had known, it would have been three people). They were interviewing him, his problems are more material, he can bring proof of faulty wiring and he can tell horror stories about the poor plumber who got an electric shock when he tried to fix their plumbing. At Rexburg Housing we only have to deal with the Devil, and it’s hard to get material evidence on the horrid things he does, or is a she? Regardless, things are beginning to get done; people are realizing that they don’t have to take it! They are humans, and deserve to be treated as such. The guy who was interviewed mentioned that it was unfair because he had to live in approved housing, and that meant that those housing complexes who are already approved. This in turn means that they can treat their tenants however they want, because in a way it creates a monopoly. They know that no matter how badly they treat us we still have to live in approved housing. Now we unite, that’s the next step in conflict theory, we need to get together and organize our complaints and then we already have our spokesperson, we just need an ideological spokesperson, someone in a suit and tie. Then we let the violence begin, that’s the logical step, it’s where all conflict actions lead. We get more and more violent until we change the system or go down in flames. Once we change the system we become the new rulers and we tie up the man on a spit and turn him over a fire…okay that last part was from a movie, but you get the idea.
I smell change in the wind.

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