Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 98

Happiness is a choice. That means that anger is a choice; unhappiness is a choice, right? If you can choose one emotion then you must have the ability to choose from all the emotions which one you are going to let overtake you. I say overtake you because if a person has ever been angry they know that you let it start but it takes great strength to make it stop and a lot of the time people don’t even think about their ability to make it stop. I’m thinking about it. Lately I have been angry, I’ve felt this before, near the beginning of this (this book thingy) I felt uncontrollable anger a lot of the time. Usually I would write in here. I still do that. I’ve realized that I have a problem though and this morning as I was contemplating life, I realized that it is solely up to me how I react to situations in my life. I’ve been told this time and time again and I suppose I just placed that information in storage and now it’s out. I understand it, though it was always understandable…unlike me at times.
So my personal experiment is to choose to be happy for the remainder of the week. I am going to choose how to act to situations rather then reacting to situations. We’ll see if I can do it, but I’m pretty sure that if I get back up when I fall that I can accomplish this goal…who knows, maybe I’ll be a better person for it, wouldn’t that be something? I guess this means that I have to give up cursing, and flying of the handle when I’m driving, and remembering that people are only human and humans make mistakes. I guess getting some patience back will help as well. I’ll keep you updated…unless I forget, in which case this may be the last you ever hear of this experiment. It’s the thought that counts right?

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