Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 95
No Parking Between Signs

So I drive home from my parent’s house today and I seemed to be okay. However when I pulled up to my house I was pissed. I hate when I come home and have no where to park. I just want to park and get in the house and take off my shoes. Instead I have to pass the house, make a u-turn and drive by looking for a spot, and end up parking in front of the neighbors house. Then since no one in this little neighborhood seems to have ever thought street lights were a good idea, I walk up to the house in the dark.
Since I wasn’t able to find a spot anywhere near my house I knew that people were over. So when I walk up to the door I try turning the handle instead of inserting my key, which was good since if I had put the key into the bottom lock I would have locked it since it was already unlocked. What was locked was the deadbolt, why lock the deadbolt and not the bottom lock? So when I finally get the door unlocked and open I’m already mad, of course I was mad before I even got to the door.
So I walked in and the first thing I hear from the couch is Motor Mouth telling me that my mouse stinks. Uh, pardon me for a second but, no shit Sherlock. Mice stink. Since I’m in a bad mood and haven’t even gotten to my bedroom (which is right by the door) I don’t have time to try to mask my annoyance. I end up just not bothering to try and sound nice. She tells me that the mouse stinks really badly and I need to get rid of him. So I say, “Ok”. She doesn’t drop it…why? Probably because she likes the sounds of her own voice almost as much as she likes to stare at her own reflection. I have moved the mouse to the sun room because one, he smells and so does the room, secondly, that’s the only room we really don’t go in and thirdly, he has fur so even though it’s cold who cares? So I start to walk towards the room and she says something about needing a gas mask to go in there, I guess that’s her try at a sense of humor. So I walked into the room, yeah…it smells bad. I pick up the cage and start unlocking the back door. She gets a little worried then and starts to ask me what I’m doing. She asks if I am letting him out. I set his little cage on the back step and close the door. I try to make a joke but it’s just not in me right now. She tries to make a joke but she’s just not good at it. I walk into my room and close the door behind me. That’s it, that’s my evening

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