Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 103
National Security

So I just got home from work and I went to check on my mouse. As I walk up to the cage I see that he is climbing up the wall. I push his little feet telling him to get down but he does so I open the cage and reach my hand in and let him crawl on my hand. He was covered in white stuff! I am taking this is a terrorist attack; I believe that Motor Mouth got her dirty little paws on anthrax and crop dusted my mouse with it!! Poor little guy isn’t running around, he is just sitting still on a towel on my lap right now. I don’t know if he can see all too well because the junk was all up in his eyes. I washed him off as best as I could but I’m still nervous for my little friend. What if he is dead when I get back? I’ll kill my roommates. I don’t know what the white stuff is, I’m sure it’s not anthrax, I don’t believe that Motor Mouth is diabolical, but I wouldn’t put it past her to “accidentally” poison my mouse.
I feel weird about leaving him here with my roommates while I’m in California but where else am I supposed to take him? Okay, he just came up and cuddled next to my arm…he does not cuddle up to me unless I am holding him and my hand surrounds him on all sides. He must be sick! Poor guy/girl…I‘m still not sure what he/she is.
Other than that life is all right. I plan to get most of my hours for next week in the beginning so that I can have the weekend off. I may even work the day that I come back from California if I am feeling up to it. But I might not. The next two days though, Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving? Heck yeah, I’ll be working those days and probably getting most of my hours then. Anyway. Nothing exciting to report except that my mouse may or may not be dying.
Um, okay, so I just went and put my mouse in his cage and then took him to the Florida room to get some fresh air. I saw him/her start having seizures! I didn’t know mice could have those! I watched helplessly as my mouse died!!! I came in here to add that little part and my music was going as it always does and the song “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M. just started, I feel like I am in some movie and the soundtrack is so perfect. I cried when my mouse died. There has got to be something wrong with me because who cries when a mouse dies? I do. It could be because I’m emotional due to the period or I had grown attached to the little guy/girl. I’m pretty sure now that it was a girl. My roommate told me that she was trying to get out of the cage all day and I told her it was because she knew the end was coming and she wanted to see the world before she went. How traumatic for me. You know what, part of me doesn’t think that it was the mouse dying that is the real reason I am crying, but I can’t put my finger on it so I guess I’ll be taking it out in the form of remorse for a mouse.

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