Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 90
I’ll See Ya When I See Ya

So I was able to work in my store today and I liked it a lot. I had to work with Jaq though, and guess what? He still bugs the crap out of me. First thing he did was put me on express and say something about how I should understand express better because I’m a trainer. Like that makes any kind of sense. But you know what? It had been so long since I’d been on register that I didn’t really mind it. I went fast which felt good, and Jaq was all happy because he wants the store to be ranked higher and actually having some speed kind of helps that.
I got to work with Steel Eyes, who doesn’t scare me as much as he used to, though I still didn’t really know what to say to him. But at one point I think I startled him because I pulled the cart through really fast and I think he thought I was going to hit him with it. I told him not to worry, if he is going to get beat up with a cart I knew he’d do it himself, so why jump the gun? He said he needed someone to push the cart in order to do that. I told him he could always take it to the top of the hill in the parking lot and do it that way. After that things were fine and he kept coming over to bag for me, so maybe we can be friends, I mean, we have already hung out a couple of times, so maybe we already were friends, or maybe we were both just friends with Baby Face.
Tonight I hung out with Wheezy. Things between Wiggum and his Ex turned into a screaming match hours before we were suppose to go to dinner. So Wheezy called me up to tell me that Wiggum’s Ex had called him up in tears and that dinner was definitely off but he asked if I wanted to go out to dinner anyway. So he came to pick me up at my parent’s house and we went out and he told me “the story” behind Wiggum and his Ex. She had called him (Wheezy) saying that Wiggum had hit her and she was going to get a restraining order. Well, if you know these two people you know that the one more likely to be throwing a punch is her, not Wiggum. He doesn’t hit girls, never has, never will. She’s beats the crap out of him. So we joked that the one who should have a restraining order is him against her. Later he called Wheezy while we were at dinner and we could hear his Ex in the background and they were hanging out all night. These two should be sterilized because heaven help the children they would ever have. This is why you should just cut the string sometimes, I’m a strong believer in cutting the strings, if you break up, forget each other, and don’t bother trying to be friends. There is no point in being friends after you’ve dated, one will always think there is a chance while the other foolishly believes that you really can just be friends. Isn’t that just sweet? Gag.
Of course, don’t bring this up with Wheezy, he’s the “I don’t want to be a jerk” kind of guy. He still calls all his ex-girlfriends to make sure that they don’t hate him. I just don’t have the heart to tell him that it’s like playing with fire. If you break up with the girl, go ahead and be hated, it’s easier now and one time instead of in the future or over the course of several years with more than one occasion where the girl is left thinking you are a jerk. Don’t hang out with her, and especially if she has a boyfriend now, a jealous boyfriend. What? Yeah, I’m talking about B.F.F. He wants to hang out with her sometimes because well, he doesn’t want to be a jerk. But B.F.F.’s boyfriend is the jealous type, and B.F.F. is the sentimental type of person. She’ll think there’s a chance, and her current boyfriend will wonder what is up, they’ll get in a fight, three years down the pot and then she is single and in the hopes that her and Wheezy can pick up where they left off right after high school but he was just being nice so there isn’t anything to pick up. Do you follow?
Wow, okay.
So when Wheezy dropped me back off at my parent’s house he asked if he could use their bathroom. So we went inside and I was talking to my mom while he used the bathroom and she says, “He’s cute, I’ve always thought he was.” I said, “that’s great, why don’t you ask him out?” she told me that maybe she will but didn’t think he’d go for her. I told her that he’d probably giggle at first (he giggles…like a little girl when he thinks something is funny but probably shouldn’t). Then when he realized that she was serious would just let an awkward silence blanket the room. Then I told her that he probably doesn’t go for married women. When he was done we went back outside to our cars and decided that eventually we’ll see each other again. I like these friendships that don’t feel the need to know when we will hang out or see each other again, if it happens it happens. If it takes too long, then we’ll get in touch, but we won’t be fake about it and say, “When are we going to hang out? We never hang out?” We’ll just do it. These are my people.

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