Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 100
Random Thoughts

Okay, my little experiment isn’t working that well. I could easily blame the horrible Virginian drivers or I could blame my roommates having people over until all hours of the night, and the fact that their friends are Virginian drivers and can’t even park right. But I know that I am the person to blame. I have to admit though that I could have exploded more times then I have so far. But yesterday was a struggle for me with trying to get to Spam’s baptism. Cars were pulling out of parking lots onto the six lane road I was driving down (three lanes for westbound three lanes for east bound). First they would come into the middle lane so I would move left or right so that I wouldn’t have to slam on my brakes because these morons shouldn’t have pulled out in front of me in the first place, then they would go right into the lane that I was moving in to so I wouldn’t hit my brakes, and then I would have to hit my breaks. At least I haven’t cussed in my rage, unless you count “hell” as a cuss word, and I don’t. Just simple “morons”, “idiots”, and a lot of the word “shiz”. And at least now when I do it I feel bad afterwards…so I am getting a little better.
Friday night I was suppose to go for ice-cream with The Warrior. I called him when I got off of work to let him know I would be on my way to Gayton Crossing, but he wasn’t home. So I went there anyway to see if I could get my paycheck, and also on the off chance that he went ahead and just went up there to meet me. No such luck, but I was able to get my paycheck, and I went ahead and did my grocery shopping. I had a conversation with Gotta Pee (remember him?) It scared me a little, but not because of content but because I’ve never talked to him before. He just came up to me randomly and said (sarcastically), “Don’t you just love working here?” so I said, “Oh yeah,” in a tone to match his because honestly I didn’t know where this was going. So then he says, “How old are you? 18, 19?” (A lot of people have been guessing that about me and I think it’s because I’ve been breaking out, or maybe I just have a young face). I tell him “23” and then he says, “How old do you think I look?” I already know he’s in his thirties, but I go ahead and pretend I don’t know and guess according to what he looks like, which is 20/21. He then says he’s 31 and starts to tell me a story about the new guy. He describes the new guy first, “You know, the one who talks a lot.” And I know exactly who is he talking about. So he tells me that this guy comes up to him and says, “Man I love you, you look like you’re twelve.” There are a couple of ways to receive this comment, first way and also the way that Gotta Pee took it was that maybe this guy is a pedophile, and after Gotta Pee pointed that out I had to agree. The next way is just plain rude, who says that to someone? If someone said that to me I would probably punch them in the gut…or maybe just never talk to them again. Yeah, that’ll teach ‘em.
I’m sad I didn’t get to go for ice-cream because I saved up calories for it, and because I feel a little like I got stood up. I should have probably called again, just because maybe he was on his way home and just missed my call and he doesn’t have my number, even if he did its long distance for him. Oh well, maybe next time we’ll just plan it better.
I came home with my groceries and found a million cars outside of my house and had to park in front of the neighbors….again. So I was a bit upset. But there weren’t too many people in the house, just three extra. I hung out with them and it was fun to hang out with people my own age. I sat next to a boy during a movie and over analyzed everything until I told myself to shut up and enjoy the movie. Which I finally did.
Last night I went to my friend’s house to watch a movie, but we were both falling asleep less than an hour into it so I let her borrow the movie and came home. The moment I got home though I was wired and cleaned my room.
I’m almost finished with Sweet Pea’s birthday present (which is a copy of all of this). I bought a new binder yesterday and transferred all the pages I already had printed out into the book. I’ve also decided to add pictures of “the cast” of “Brutally Honest”, well at least the people I could get pictures of. Some of the people in here (such as Gotta Pee) I have no reason to take their picture, so therefore I won’t be weird and just randomly take pictures. So not all the characters will be in it, but most of the main people, if not all the main people and then extras. I hope that she likes it, it feels kind of like a lame gift (which is why I added the pictures to try and spice it up) but I remember her telling me that she would love a hardcopy of it. So I hope that she does. I can’t believe I’m going to California soon, it still hasn’t sunk in and I hope I don’t wake up on the morning of my flight and remember I have it, I hope I start to realize it a lot sooner. I am excited; I just can’t believe how quickly time has gone by. It will be a little over 6 months since we’ve seen each other. How weird is that? Hey, good news it, I still remember who she is, which is more then I can say for most people I used to know.

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