Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 96
On The Molecular Level

Some days I love my job, some days I hate it. Today I hate it. I didn’t even work today, that’s how bad it was. My day off and I had such a horrible time that I hate work. Makes you wonder. The reason that work had anything to do with me was the fact that the dam internet was invented and e-mail, a marvelous form of quick, written, communication is incorporated to my job. So even on my day off I’m expected to check the darn thing. So I did; Five new messages. One tells me that I made a boo-boo on timekeeping and should fix it as soon as possible. One was a forward about idiotic cashiers who never really listen to a dam word I say so therefore were screwing up on basic things, like where to put 50 and 100 dollar bills, or checks. How do you not know where to put a check? The thing is called a check box! It’s locked! The other thing, that box like apparatus with three slits, that’s not locked, is the coupon box. It probably has other coupons in it to kind of give you a little hint. Not my fault you’re too stupid or hung-over to realize this. And yet I take it so personal when my trainees can’t show their managers that they know what to do. They certainly didn’t have a problem showing me they knew what they were doing.
The third e-mail, a message from my manager stating that I didn’t give her enough information on a trainee that I should have never even seen because he got a freaking 60% on his part 1 test! Last I checked 60% was failing; failing in the school system and failing in our company, but who decided to send him along? My manager. Not because she was taking a chance on some unknown kid but because she’s an idiot, and what does it matter to her? She doesn’t have to train him. So I wrote her what I thought was a really good write up about the class I had with him, and I get a three sentence e-mail from her today saying that I didn’t give enough detail, why weren’t we able to do certain things in that session of training?
I went to one of the stores and while waiting to be able to sign on to fix my time keeping errors (which I was unable to do because the woman who had e-mailed me about it was still in the system and only one person can be in there at the same time) I decided to write my manager that e-mail. But what do you say? So I started to write it and wanted to say something about the girl who had to reschedule who was suppose to be part of that group and I couldn’t remember her name. So I checked the schedule from last week to see if it was up there, but apparently they waste their time updating old schedules as well, so her name was omitted because she had cancelled. I decided since I was looking at the schedules that I would go ahead and check this week to see if an error that I saw had been fixed…since the outdated schedules had been updated. Good thing I checked because they added two classes to my schedule. One for tomorrow (I’m already working at my store tomorrow from 10-6 and this class is 4:30-8:30) and then one for Friday afternoon. I had been excited about Friday because I was going to be getting out at 2 and then I have Saturday off. But they added a class, wouldn’t be so bad if it were at 3 but it’s not until 5…3 hours later. Good Grief. So concerning the class for tomorrow I went and talked to my manager about getting off earlier because they scheduled me for this class the day before. So now I am working at my store from 9-2 and then training 4:30 to 8:30. But I’d rather just work at my store until 3:30 because there is no point driving the 20 minutes to my house and then have to leave there to travel further out to the other store which is a good 30 minutes from my house. So I might as well work all day. So I’m already sick of the job by the time that I print off my new schedule and work it out with my managers at the store and I didn’t even get a chance to change the errors in time keeping because the woman was still in there and I had to leave because I told Spam and Burrito that I would go watch them at Karate. If that girl doesn’t show up to training tomorrow I will personally hunt her down and show her what happens to those who waste my time, because she is the only trainee and she is obviously a reschedule because Tuesday night is the normal time for the group class. If she’s not in it this week she must be from a previous week, and that means she didn’t go to her first time training in the store.
I went to a movie tonight with my sister and my parents (very good movie, it was my second time seeing it). Then when I finally got home I figured that I’d better e-mail my manager. So it takes me a while to find what to say. I hinted at my annoyance but disguised it with ignorance at the possibility that we couldn’t cover everything in time because the kid got a 60. I just said, “Well, since he had gotten a 60 on his part 1 test I felt that I should review most of the material with him and make sure that he understood it before I even moved on.” So in a way, if she reads it that way, she’ll see that I was annoyed with her and partially blaming her. Then I wrote and rewrote the “timed scheduled” of every moment I spent that Wednesday morning. But I couldn’t decide how to best explain the time. I ended up saying something about how I must have lost track of the time while reviewing the register because I can’t figure out how we didn’t get it all done. But I wrote it with more words and threw in a few things to look like I was adding more detail for her. I went to spell check the e-mail when I had finally finished writing it and the whole e-mail went bye-bye. I worked really hard at not cussing. I may have blacked out, but I don’t remember giving in to using the cuss words. I just gave up. Because of their scheduling mayhem I have to wake up an hour earlier for work tomorrow so I figure she can wait for her stupid, pointless e-mail. I don’t like the feeling of being micro managed.

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