Saturday, September 02, 2006

Chapter 79
Mondays and Rainy Days Always Get Me Down

Today I shut off my alarms (both of them) and ended up sleeping in until 6:54 am. When I checked the clock I congratulated myself for having an hour to get ready for work. I jumped in the shower to wake myself up and that’s when it hit me, it’s Saturday! I don’t go to the school today but to the store and I’m supposed to be there at 7 am! I jump out of the shower, call to tell them I’m on my way. I skip make-up but thankfully remembered deodorant and body spray. I rush out to my car and speed away. I got to work at 7:15 cranky and crampy. Yes, crampy. I got my period this morning too.
Then I had to blow up balloons when I got there. I don’t like blowing up balloons, mostly because I don’t like it when they pop and secondly because I’m not a great master of tying the little suckers. The good thing is I didn’t have to blow them up with my breath; I had to blow them up with helium (and darn myself I didn’t suck any of it and go around talking to people…I’m so slow on the uptake sometimes). I had to get using the helium…thingy and in the process one didn’t go on all the way and made a very loud squeaking noise which deafened me for a couple of minutes and may have been the cause of my hearing impairment the whole day. I couldn’t tell if people were mumbling or if my hearing was going. It’s hard to tell sometimes. I finally got tying the balloons down, except that it involved temporarily cutting off the blood supply to my fingers. So after blowing up about 40 balloons my fingers hurt and to add to my day I had to work with Gus-Gus and Jaq (ahh the village idiots). I’m hoping I can call today “Monday” and it will cover me for next week.
I also found someone who is just as uncomfortable around Gus-Gus as I am. She found me actually. He had just walked away from us and she turned to me and said that she found him a little creepy. I’ll call her Squared because she and I have the same name; actually I guess that blows keeping her anonymity, oh well. So we talked about it for a little bit. How we hate when he comes up to our registers and just stands there beside us or sometimes behind us. How he spaces out while staring at you. Just writing about it kind of makes me want to vomit. I hate when I have to call him over to my register because once he’s there it’s hard to get him away from it. It’s not like he’s doing any work, he’s just standing there, breathing my air. Sometimes he’ll grab the receipt for the customer and seemingly take over the order, and sometimes he turns off my register belt, talk about pet peeves. Today when I went to my register and the belt was off I looked right at him and told him to stop doing that. I’ll have to wait until next week to see if simply telling the guy to stop it will do the trick.
Speaking of simply telling the guy to stop doing something, telling Puppy Love that I hate hugs didn’t work. He still tries and so now every time I have to seem like a horrible, mean person and keep telling him that I don’t want a hug. I swear, squash has a larger memory capacity then this kid does. And now he has his mom coming through my line when she goes grocery shopping. I have had to ring her up maybe two or three times so far and she’s already acting like we are best friends. She came up to me the other night to show me her new bling, which looked like Wal-mart jewelry but I’m not going to say anything about it. I just told her it was pretty and let her walk on to do her grocery shopping. I can’t believe that their older son comes from the same family, he is so different from them all…and I don’t mind hugs from him.
And you know it may be the hormones making me so moody but I have felt like the store is too small, there isn’t enough room between the registers and people just keep getting in my way! But in all actually it isn’t too bad, just every so often my heart races and my fist clench. But time is flying by which is the best part of today! Because today was an 8 ½ hour shift and I only have two more hours. This morning I thought the day would drag. I almost knocked out a customer with a can and physically threatened my manager. Not bad for a Saturday morning. Of course, knocking out the customer with a can would have been an accident. Well, I just wrote that in the time it took me to eat a small bag of skittles. Not a bad day, not a bad day at all.

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