Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chapter 86

So tonight I went into my old store and Baby Face came up to me right away and asked when I had left this note on his car. I couldn’t remember what day I left it on so I wasn’t sure. I had just left a note that said, “Try not to get arrested this weekend; I know that’s asking a lot but…” He asked if I had put it on his car that night while he was working or if I had gone to his house. I told him I didn’t know where he lived and I wasn’t that kind of stalker. He just said that he hadn’t seen it that night and he found it the next morning so he wasn’t sure. Then he invited me to come and watch Steel Eyes run himself into a tree or a sidewalk with a cart. Unfortunately I missed it. They went and did it while I was buying a few things so I didn’t get to see him jump ship before the cart ran into a tree. I’m kind of disappointed, yet, not really. I won’t lose any sleep over it. Though it does remind me of high school when my friends and I would hang out in the parking lot after work and one time I drove my friend around in a Kroger cart but took a turn too fast. Luckily she heals fast and there were no scars.
I saw The Warrior and told him how I had seen him walking to work earlier that day and almost hit him with my car. Which I didn’t really almost hit him so I told him that. But I had seen him and thought about honking or calling out but decided not to. Then I picked on him because he was jaywalking…which is illegal. I also told him that when you are jaywalking drivers have a right to hit you with their car, at least that’s what I’ve been told, so I told him to be careful. He tried to tell me how it wasn't illegal because he was looking out for cars or something like that. I just shook my head the whole time to show my disagreement with the whole thing.
I ended up walking out to my car with Baby Face and he asked me when I was coming back, or if I was ever coming back. I told him I was, but I wasn’t sure when, at least I thought I was coming back, yeah, pretty sure that someday I would return. He told me how Steel Eyes and he had decided that they should quit and then reapply and shave their heads (so I wouldn’t recognize them) and come through for training again. That’s sweet. But I would have recognized them and they were planning on acting like they didn’t understand what I would be trying to show them. I don’t know if they realized this, but it would be easier for them to just get promoted to cashier, I’d be more likely to train them as promos then as new hires, TDH deals with new hires. Oh speaking of TDH, I saw him on Tuesday, still looking every bit handsome, and I got the sideways glance from him when we were talking to one of the other trainers and he made a joke. By the way the sideways glance is a surefire way to get my knees to go weak. Even if I had no interest in you, if you can do the sideways glance right you’ve got me for a brief moment in time. Oh, back to my story.
I also showed Baby Face how my car lost its lock on the driver’s side (sad, but true, it’s gone I can’t use a key on my driver’s side anymore). He checked to see if it was unlocked and I realized how much stuff I have in my car. I have my pretend groceries for work, I had my outfit in the back of the car (because I changed for work at my parents and went to my store right after work), and I also had a small toolbox and a bunch of other random stuff. I also had chocolate in the very back of the car and I asked him if he wanted any chocolate because I had some in my car…then I realized I sounded a little creepy, like a kidnapper, so I said, “You want some chocolate little boy? I have some in my car; I promise I won’t close the door on you once you climb in.” I don’t know if he got the humor or if I scared him even more, or if I made him mad by calling him little boy. Then he asked if I left anything on his car tonight and I said, “Not yet, if you hang around I could write a little note and leave it on there.” He said that was ‘ok’ which is good because I really didn’t have anything to leave on his car. Can’t believe he thought I took the time to find out where he lives and leave a note on his car there. Do I really give out that vibe?
I miss my boys at work, but when I was thinking about it, I don’t know if I could go back and do the same work I had been. I like being a trainer, even if it sucks sometimes. I have a chance to work Friday morning if I want, my friend has a few hours he’ll give me, but 7am? I think maybe I’ll say ‘no’. I don’t really need the hours; I’ll probably get them later this week. Besides, I was going to work in the morning to work with him because he keeps telling me to, so if he’s not working…what’s the point?

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