Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chapter 76
Cabin Fever

It’s not really cabin fever, but how do you write in short terms a withdrawal from work and how it affects your life? We are on day two of only working one job…I don’t know how I can survive. Sure I have been filling up the daytime, yesterday I took my mom to the eye doctor and I hung out at my parent’s house and got free dinner. Today I went to the pool with my sister and my cousins and this little kid that my sister takes care off and we celebrated Burrito’s birthday a day early (I am also trying to tan my legs so that should I ever wear shorts somewhere beyond the pool I won’t blind people with my leg paleness). But the question is, “what do I do with my evenings”…hmm. That presents a problem. I scrapbooked a few pages today, but in all honestly I am going through a period of time where I am not the least bit interested in scrapbooking. The creative juices are not flowing and my pages, since lacking my caring, frankly look like crap. I watched a movie, I downsized a bit of my room, which will probably only continue when the school job ends and I have even more of my time open to do odd, stupid, meaningless things with my time.
The thing is I’ve felt like this before. Seems like life is cyclical, you have your highs and lows and no matter if you think you are over a low it will return. Someone says the wrong thing, something doesn’t go as planned, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Anything really. That’s when I usually do something to my hair, rearrange my room, or bake. Baking’s out, I shouldn’t be eating sugar (I had some today to celebrate the birth of Burrito) and I don’t have enough of anything to really make anything.
Good news is I took vitamins today. I’m hoping that they offset my steady diet of peanut butter (peanut butter crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, etc, etc, etc.) and maybe the cause of all my problems is simply my overdose of peanut butter. Malnourishment leads to depression you know, well, not eating, but I figure not eating is a form of malnourishment so therefore malnourishment and anorexia are pretty much the same…in this case scenario. Also I haven’t been feeling well the past couple of days so I am trying to mix up my diet a bit, you know, not so much peanut butter. I threw in some yogurt and some breakfast bars that provide 20% of my daily fiber needs, oh and more Cheerios because that’s heart healthy. Maybe I can soon put the Ibuprofen tablets away and start feeling better on my own.
Well, I think I’ll go rearrange my room.

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